Nurmijärven Sähkö
Nurmijärven Sähkö relies on emergency power during maintenance outages and failures
Nurmijärven Sähköverkko Oy’s mission is to transmit high-quality electricity for customers in the grid area it is responsible for, in all situations and in an economical manner. In addition to electricity transmission, the company’s services include electricity connections, metering services and management of imbalance power.
Nurmijärven Sähköverkko Oy is also in charge of designing and building the grid in its area, taking environmental matters into consideration. An essential aspect of the operations is also the planning of operation and maintenance and the procurement of these services. Nurmijärven Sähköverkko Oy is part of the Nurmijärven Sähkö Group, which has nearly 24,000 electricity supply and heating customers.
Quick and reliable access to rental units
– Nurmijärven Sähköverkko Oy has been kW-Set’s customer for more than ten years. We have always received help when we needed it, and at times help was needed with a short notice. This was an important criterion when selecting the supplier. When there is a fault in a distribution substation, the distribution of electricity must still be restored as quickly as possible, says Timo Ukkola, grid technician at Nurmijärven Sähköverkko Oy.
Expecting – and receiving – good service
– Fault situations force us to rent emergency power solutions, but luckily this happens only occasionally. Nevertheless, it is very important that we can trust that suitable emergency power is available should we need it. I remember how a few years ago, there was a fault in a transformer and we had to send a request for emergency power late in the evening. The units arrived and were also in operation during the same night. This is one of the benefits of a long customer relationship – you have the right to expect good service and you also receive it.
Successful maintenance through emergency power unit rental
– We mostly need emergency power when we carry out maintenance work on the grid that requires interruption in electricity distribution. This happens once per month or two months, on average. The emergency power units, including cables, are only a phone call away and are usually delivered to the agreed location on the day before the equipment is needed. We can usually complete the maintenance work within one working day, so we one-day rentals are usually enough. Of course, in fault situations emergency power may be needed for longer periods, but even then a maximum of one week.
Always an optimal capacity through rental
– Since we need emergency power occasionally and on a temporary basis, it makes sense to rent the units, instead of purchasing them. kW-Set’s units are in a good condition and reliable – the company clearly takes good care of its equipment. There is always a suitable solution to meet our need in the company’s extensive selection of power options. For example, transformers in rural areas may only serve a few houses, which is why the capacity of the emergency power unit can also be lower. On the other hand, Nurmijärvi has several more densely populated areas where we may need the most effective units available in the range of rental units.
All in all, in my opinion kW-Set offers a solid package of products and services, keeps its promises and delivers on time, Ukkola says.